High blood triglycerides (Hypertriglyceridaemia)
What is it?
High blood triglycerides are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Blood triglycerides areĀ fats circulating in the blood stream. At high levels triglycerides can alter the viscosity of the blood and can trigger clot forming. High triglycerides may also be a consequence of a poorly controlled diabetes.
What causes it?
A few factors can cause blood triglycerides to rise. Nutritional influences play a role. Fats, especially saturated fats, in the diet can increase triglyceride levels. A high intake of easily digestible carbohydrate (e.g. sugars in cordials, sweets) and a high intake of alcohol contribute to hypertriglycerideaemia.
Dietetic treatment
A balanced diet with a focus on (whole) grains, legumes, other vegetables and fruit is beneficial for overall health. Avoiding alcohol helps decreasing your triglycerides. Losing weight can lower triglycerides if you are overweight. For people with diabetes keeping blood sugar levels within the normal range helps to lower blood triglycerides. Regular exercise (30min most days of the week) helps keeping blood triglyceride levels in the normal range.